Euphorbia suzannae:

  • Euphorbia suzannae
  • Euphorbia suzannae
  • Euphorbia suzannae

Euphorbia suzannae takes you down to a place by the river. You can see the boats go by. You could spend the night forever. And you know that she's half crazy, and that's why you want to be there.

Take Euphorbia suzannae's hand.
She leads you to the river.

Water: Water regularly in the summer growing season. April-October.  Decrease only slightly in the winter. Euphorbia can grow year round.

Sun Exposure: Full sun to part shade. Southern Facing windows, or outside unobstructed.

Soil: Stone Eaters Soil will work best. But 60% small grained pumice/perlite and 40% potting mix also works.

Temperature: Keep above 50° F.

Fertilize: During the Spring Summer growing season, with Super Kabuto Fertilizer.

Plants ship bare root, pot/soil not included

Regular price $15.00


  • U.S. shipping only.
  • Plants ship bare root, pot/soil not included.
  • If you are ordering from an area with weather below 32 degrees, please purchase a heat pack and use priority shipping. If you decline to do this Cactus Store is not responsible for damaged plants. Heat Pack $3.00